You will receive your e-voucher right away!


Immerse yourself in the world of art and let us take care of everything for one evening. Your only task is to enjoy the experience to the fullest!

  • Welcome
    • We meet 15 minutes before the scheduled start.
    • After being seated, you'll receive a welcome drink of your choice.
  • Painting
    • Start by choosing from a selection of 50 different templates.
    • All materials, including a protective apron, will be ready for you.
    • Throughout the experience, our instructors will be available for individual questions and consultations.
  • Your decent painting you can be proud of Memories
    • You will have your own painting to remember and be proud of.

In just three hours, your masterpiece will come to life!

Got a gift voucher? Choose your date and enter the voucher code at the next step of booking.



See What Awaits You


Woman painting on canvas in ArtMoment course


We’ll show you that anyone can be an artist, regardless of experience.

Women with welcome drinks at ArtMoment painting course


We invite you to an extraordinary setting and welcome drink to kickstart your creativity.

Couple enjoying a relaxing ArtMoment painting course


Relax and experience something new. ArtMoment is time you give to yourself.


Tasca, located in Plzeň’s Republic Square, is the hottest new spot that transports you straight to the charm of the Spanish and Portuguese coastline. This unique venue blends a café, restaurant, and bar into one, offering authentic delicacies like grilled chorizo prepared right before your eyes, fresh seafood, stuffed croquettes, and the famous pastel de nata. Pair these delights with refreshing sangria, exclusive house wines, and an interior that radiates seaside vibes. What’s more, you can now enjoy ArtMoment evenings here – a fusion of art, exquisite food, and an unforgettable atmosphere. Come and explore flavors and experiences that will whisk you away to the Mediterranean.


Experienced artists at an ArtMoment experience


Our professional instructors will guide you through the world of art.

High-quality materials at ArtMoment events


Canvas, easel, paints, brushes, pencils, eraser, and apron. We've thought of everything!

Welcome drink included in the ArtMoment experience


ArtMoment is an experience for all your senses.

Namalujte obraz v ArtMoment


Take home your first piece of art that you will be proud of!




Surprise your loved ones with a truly unique gift!



Delight your employees with a unique experience!




“I’m proud of myself and definitely happy with this enjoyable evening. I would do it again!”


“As a kid, I used to go outside with a pencil and paper and draw what I saw. Today, at ArtMoment, I revisited that feeling after about 20 years.”


“We tried out an experience evening of painting with ArtMoment <3”


“Tonight, I'm creating this very artistic piece, wish me luck, and come check out this evening sometime too, it's great!”


“This is the kind of course where everyone ends up with a painting, even the least artistic ones :D”


“I came for relaxation for the second time. Every time, it’s complete satisfaction, even for those who have never painted before. It’s also a great idea for couples if the other person is interested.”


“Thanks @janekrubes for the great evening!!! Our small "teambuilding." I think I'll stick to making videos :D But I really enjoyed it! Great event!”


“In three hours, you'll create your own painting, and trust me, with this group, anyone can do it. Such a lovely environment, great instructors, and a relaxing time with a brush and a glass of wine!”


“I’m proud of myself and definitely happy with this enjoyable evening. I would do it again!”


“As a kid, I used to go outside with a pencil and paper and draw what I saw. Today, at ArtMoment, I revisited that feeling after about 20 years.”


“We tried out an experience evening of painting with ArtMoment <3”


“Tonight, I'm creating this very artistic piece, wish me luck, and come check out this evening sometime too, it's great!”


“This is the kind of course where everyone ends up with a painting, even the least artistic ones :D”


“I came for relaxation for the second time. Every time, it’s complete satisfaction, even for those who have never painted before. It’s also a great idea for couples if the other person is interested.”


“Thanks @janekrubes for the great evening!!! Our small "teambuilding." I think I'll stick to making videos :D But I really enjoyed it! Great event!”


“In three hours, you'll create your own painting, and trust me, with this group, anyone can do it. Such a lovely environment, great instructors, and a relaxing time with a brush and a glass of wine!”



  • Spend three hours in a charming environment, during which you'll complete your painting.
  • We'll start by welcoming you and getting you seated.
  • Everything you need will already be prepared, and you can choose a welcome drink of your choice.
  • After choosing a template, our instructors will explain everything and give useful tips to start.
  • We’ll then help you prepare the colors, and of course, you'll have an apron to keep clean.
  • Throughout the evening, there's room for individual questions and consultations.
  • You can also enjoy great service and the complete menu of the restaurant or café.
  • At the end of the evening, we'll carefully pack your painting and clean everything up.
  • Your job is simply to enjoy the evening and let us take care of you!

The answer is: YES! Most participants are people who last picked up a brush in kindergarten or primary school. The entire concept is designed so that even someone with no experience or "natural talent" can manage it. Throughout the evening, our amazing instructors are available for individual consultations.

If you paint occasionally or regularly, we are happy to chat and adapt the evening for you, so you won't be bored.

We recommend the painting evening for ages 12 and up. During the experience, you need to focus on painting for three hours. Younger children tend to lose focus quickly and may need much more intensive and detailed individual guidance. However, we want to provide the same quality experience to all our customers, so we prefer ages where children can fully enjoy the concept of the evening just like adults!

The experience lasts 3 hours. During that time, you'll manage to paint a stylish picture. Even if you've never painted before, you'll also have time to chat with friends and enjoy a drink.

At ArtMoment evenings, we paint with acrylics. Acrylic paints are perfect for beginners due to their fast drying time, excellent coverage, and vibrant colors.


What Can You Paint?


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Customer reviews

4,9 285 ratings

K Avatar of author Kateřina | 29/04/2024
Naprosto skvělé 3 hodiny relaxu! :) Příjemné lektorky , krásné prostředí a nezapomenutelný zážitek ! Rozhodně zkusím další z kurzů :)
JP Avatar of author Jakub Pekárek | 02/04/2024
Super zážitek, 3 hodiny utekly jako voda :)
K Avatar of author Karin | 02/02/2024
Naprosto skvělý večer :) Kdo si není jistý svým malováním, nemusí se bát. Lektorky jsou příjemné a ochotně poradí a dovedou vás ke krásnému obrazu.
A Avatar of author Adéla | 11/03/2024
Dokonalý zážitek. Pokud hledáte aktivitu na odreagování, tak toto je ideální činnost.
ZK Avatar of author Zdeněk Kolář | 09/01/2024
Dlouho jsme tento zážitek odkládali, ale po jeho absolvování bychom šli okamžitě znovu. Krásný prostor, skvělé asistentky, opravdu vlastnoručně vytvořený obraz. Vhodné pro všechny věkové kategorie.
J Avatar of author Jája M. | 13/11/2024
Opět fantastické! Navštívila jsem s kamarádkou akci ArtMoment již podruhé, tentokrát ArtWine, a musím říct, že to byl opět dokonalý večer. Prostředí vinárny WineList bylo velmi útulné, obsluha milá a přívětivá. Velmi ráda bych také tímto poděkovala skvělému sommelierovi Tomášovi, který nás provázel degustační částí večera. Díky němu dostal celý večer ještě o poznání příjemnější atmosféru. Zážitek byl připravený do posledního detailu (zástěry, pomůcky, zarámování a další), lektoři se nám nádherně věnovali, pomohli radou či obsluhou jakýchkoliv našich přání. Třešničkou už pak byl jen výborný výběr degustovaných vín a prkénko s pohoštěním. Vše do sebe nádherně zapadlo, celý večer plynul velmi přirozeně a příjemně. Paní fotografka dorazila ideálně při dokončování obrazů a už se nemůžeme dočkat na slíbené fotografie na památku. Děkujeme 🍷❤️
V Avatar of author Verča | 13/05/2024
Příjemný relax! Přesný opak toho, jakými činnostmi běžně trávím den. Naprosto vypnete a soustředíte se jen na to, jak trefit odstín barvy:) Lektorky vás navedou všemi postupy a jsou po celou dobu připraveny pomoci. Doporučuji!
R Avatar of author Radka | 31/01/2024
Příjemně a nevšedně strávený večer s krásnou vzpomínkou v podobě obrazu, který si rádi vystavíte :)
M Avatar of author Míša | 21/01/2024
Krásný večer v příjemném prostředí, lektoři podporující, ochotní a schopní dobře poradit, takže i člověk, co maluje podruhé v životě si může odnést obraz, který se nebude stydět pověsit doma.
M Avatar of author Martin | 05/01/2024
Perfektní zážitek a vzpomínka. Slečny profesionálky, které poradí i člověku bez talentu a zkušeností. Prostředí i atmosféra úplně super
K Avatar of author Kateřina | 23/03/2024
Pro mě skvělý odpočinek a ponoření se do světa barev :) Ochotná slečna, která poradila, když si člověk nevěděl rady a díky tomu jsem opravdu nakreslila obraz! Skvělé prostředí, atmosféra - no půjdeme znovu :)
V Avatar of author Věra | 24/04/2024
Doporučuji každému. V dnešní uspěchané době je to velice příjemný relax. S předlohou a odbornou pomocí se dílo podaří každému.
J Avatar of author Jarka | 04/06/2024
Večer v Corner stories s ArtMoment byl prostě skvělý. Prostředí, hudba, výběr z menu samotné kavárny byl velmi příjemným dodatkem samotného zážitku. Lektorky byly velmi milé, stále se doptávaly, zda něco nepotřebujeme, radily, měnily vodu, přinesly další barvy, či štětce. Skvělý a profesionální přístup. Cítily jsme se s kamarádkou jako v bavlnce a odnesly jsme si domů nádhernou vzpomínku. Děkujeme ☺️

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